Over 15 years of experience in the solar market.
Recently he was responsible of PV acquisitions at Cubico for the investment in 106MW of solar assets in Italy successfully acquired and integrated with the rest of portfolio.
Previously CFO and member of Board of Directors of RTR (a Terra Firma company), the largest solar asset owner in Italy. He contributed to the setup and the investment in over 300 MW of PV plants.
Before joining RTR, he was CFO and Project Finance Director at Sunray (a Dehnam company subsequently acquired by Sunpower), which was one of the pioneers in the solar sector in Italy, with the development and construction of 24MW single plant at Montalto di Castro (first project bond issued into the market).
Prior to joining in Sunray he held a number of senior positions at Wyeth-Lederle Group (Today Pfizer Group) including the role of CFO of OTC division in Italy and he was most recently Southern Europe CFO in Galileo, a company involved in the global distribution services controlled by Blackstone Group.
Founder, Managing Partner

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