The domestic photovoltaic continues its race in Italy, driven by the objectives of generation from renewable sources set at both European and national level to facilitate the energy transition in the next decade.
The goal that our country sets itself is ambitious: the PNIEC (National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan), published by the Ministry of Economic Development in January, has further raised the targets to 2030, aiming to meet by that date 30% of total gross final energy consumption from renewable sources. For electricity consumption alone, the bar is even higher: at least 55% of the total must come from sustainable sources within the next ten years.
The solar sector has so far managed to continue the growth trend of new installed capacity: in 2019, according to the most recent Statistical Report on Solar Photovoltaics of the GSE, 750 MW of new photovoltaic capacity was installed, close to doubling over 2018, thanks to more than 58,000 new installations, which brought the national photovoltaic capacity to 20,865 MW for a total number of installations exceeding 880,000. Thanks also to this increase in new capacity, Italian solar PV in 2019 therefore produced 23,689 GWh of energy, up 4.6% on 2018.
To give a further boost to this trend, in the domestic segment, came last year the Superbonus, the facility provided by the Relaunch Decree that raises to 110% the rate of deduction of expenses incurred from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021, for specific interventions in energy efficiency, anti-seismic interventions, installation of photovoltaic systems or infrastructure for charging electric vehicles in buildings.
In order to benefit from the Superbonus for the installation of a photovoltaic system, however, it is necessary that the intervention meets certain criteria: it must be of less than 20kW power and placed on a building and must be combined with one of the three main interventions provided by the decree. The latter consist in the insulation of the opaque surfaces of the buildings, in the replacement of the heating system with more efficient solutions or in anti-seismic interventions. The combination of interventions must also improve the efficiency of the building of at least two energy classes.
The moment is therefore propitious for consumers interested in becoming prosumers, installing photovoltaic systems to self-produce clean energy to be consumed and eventually sold on the electricity grid.