In the fourth call of the RES Decree, photovoltaics has been awarded a total of 138 MW between auctions and registers, a figure slightly lower than the 141 MW of the third call (-2%). Of these, the number of installations with a power higher than MW registered in the auctions decreases (only 20 MWp), but the number of interventions included in the registers increases.
In particular in the group A-2, which concerns the installation of modules to replace asbestos, the photovoltaic was awarded 64 MW, with a growth of 255% compared to 18.5 MW of the previous call.
These are some of the results published Tuesday, January 26 by the GSE relating to the fourth call of the RES Decree, which provides incentives for plants from renewable sources. The call, launched on September 30 and closed on October 31, 2020, concerns the fourth of seven procedures that allow access to registers and auctions, depending on the power of the plants.
Recall that the rankings are published by the GSE 90 days after the closing of the respective calls. Overall, of the 1,881 MW made available for all technologies, 742 requests were received by the Manager for a total of 576 MW, of which 465 MW were admitted to auctions and registers.
As far as enrolment in the auctions that include photovoltaic and wind power plants with a capacity of over 1 MW is concerned, the total power quota of the three groups A, B and C was 1,374 MW. In group A, which has a total of 14 requests, only three photovoltaic plants for a total of about 20 MW (they were 95 MW in the third call) are in the ranking. These are three installations that will be built in the province of Nuoro and have a capacity of 4.1 MWp, 5.1 MWp and 10.6 MWp.
Let us now move on to the registers, which instead involve installations with a power up to 1 MW and which include groups A (power quota of 112 MW), A-2 (351 MW), B (10 MW) and C (34 MW).