Renewable energy is at the heart of the Recovery Plan, and the Italian Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani, rattles off precise numbers on Italy’s ambitious goals. “Installing 65-70 gigawatts of renewable energy within the next ten years. In 2030, 70-72% of electricity will have to be produced mainly by wind or photovoltaic power plants”, says the Minister in an interview granted to Repubblica. The 24 billion that the Recovery Plan dedicates to the energy transition will be used for incentives for the most experimental renewables, such as offshore wind or photovoltaic for agriculture. The remaining 28 percent of energy will be produced with natural gas. “In combustion it emits much less CO2 than coal, which is our number one enemy. Gas will also give stability to the power grid: a system based on wind and solar is by definition discontinuous. If there is no sun and wind, there is no energy. In those cases gas can be used”, Cingolani points out.